Sabla Summer Arabic Language Immersion Courses

Course Descriptions

Advanced Beginning level
In this course, students will identify basic vocabularies when used in a spoken or written
excerpt. Students will be able to listen to a short spoken passage, then convey the
information in tables or a descriptive short essay form. They will also master using
greetings and excusing expressions. They will be able to answer simple questions and
present simple data. They will develop their handwriting skills through composing a
number of connected sentences about pictures and routines.

Low Intermediate level
In this course, students will be able to read a passage (3–5 paragraphs), identify the
main idea and search for specific words. Students will be able to understand orders
related to facts and personal data. They will also be able to describe simplified activities
and a number of sequential events. Students will write short descriptions of an object or
a familiar scene. They will improve their handwriting and drawing of letters correctly and

High Intermediate level
In this course, students will be able to read passages (5–10 paragraphs), then set down
the main ideas, search for specific words and present the main idea. They will also be
able to listen to a short passage and convey the information by presenting it in a
different style. Students will also participate in a group to solve less complicated
problems, which requires connecting written and spoken language. They will be able to
differentiate between facts and opinions in a conversation.

Advanced level
In this course, students will be able to understand detailed points and concepts for an
extended passage. Students will follow a group of extended directions and differentiate
between facts and opinions. Students will orally present a variety of familiar and factual
topics. They will engage in group activities to solve a number of problems that require
both inductive and deductive reasoning. Students will also start to form questions about
abstract topics and answering questions with limitations. Students will be trained to use
connectors and use proper punctuation marks when writing a short essay. They will
develop their writing skills and strategies, dividing their essays into paragraphs to
present the main information and supporting ideas.