Visit of Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School to SQCC
Date & Time
April 2, 2019
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
About the Event
On Tuesday 2 April, SQCC hosted students from Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School. Students toured SQCC’s exhibition and learned about Oman’s storied history, including the aflaj irrigation system, Oman’s seafaring legacy and how Omani history has influenced its culture. Later on, SQCC staffer delivered a presentation about Omani culture, people and the environment. Following the presentation, students and teachers asked questions about Oman’s cultural traditions, use of frankincense, and Oman’s role in the Indian Ocean. At the end of their visit, students from Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School gifted SQCC a plaque with the Omani national crest and the name of SQCC written in Arabic and decorated in Omani colors.